Saturday, June 30, 2012

Making gravel - Tuesday and Friday

As another way of keeping cool when it gets hot & humid, I read books set in cold climes (works in the winter to read a story set in a warm locale too). Discovered this phenomenon as a kid. In the summer,  I'd sit on a pasture hillside and read Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes tales set in cold, damp, foggy London. Unfortunately as this current heat wave hits I'm immmersed into a story about
Masada. Located deep in the Judean desert and overlooking the Dead Sea, this place is sizzling! However, I can't put the book aside now. I need to know if the protagonist does a night cave dive into a cistern on the site. Does the archeologist figure out where the temple icons were hidden? What is the hideously scarred head of security at the atomic lab up to? Just have to sweat and bear it.

1 comment:

Jordan Journal said...

Maddie and I are headed up to my mom and dad's farm all next week to help mom recover from a foot surgury. Huge farm house, small window AC downstairs, nothing upstairs (bedrooms). Temps above 90all week. YEAH!!!