Thursday, June 28, 2012

Daisy Fleabane and Ox-eyed Daisy

 Hot and humid this morning. I considered fainting during milking but kept putting it off until the next group of cows. Eventually we made it through them all w/o me making a scene. Thursday is scrub day but Jordan arrived just in time to help Mike and I clean. Jordan regaled us w/ his theories on government conspiracies as we worked and suddenly we were done and I could go home. Of course, then there was town work to do but that took only a couple of hours. Indy and I went out for a short excursion in the heat and when we came back I was tired. I sat down in a comfy stuffed chair and the last thing I remember was Judge Judy berating someone. When I awoke, the national news was on the TV. The hay that had been drying in the field outside my window had been baled while I slept. A rumble from the direction of my neighbor's gravel pit told me they were back at work breaking up rocks. The clothes I had put in the dryer were done tumbling and the machine was dinging to let me know the fact. I swear - the more noise, the better I sleep.

1 comment:

Jordan Journal said...

Visited with your two boys this afternoon. Brent brought up his amazing pen collection. Too talented! Back to your hot day at the dairy. I hated those days in the barn. We were always between two hot animals and it was miserable! I remember one "hotter then hell" day my dad, squating, sandwiched between two cows, was working at getting the milker on one of them. Just when I thought he could take no more, one of our 3 geese attacked him! I thought we would be selling the farm the next day! Hope things stay cool for you.