Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Morning fog on the creek

Indy and I take a different route for our walk each day. I like to see what's popping, hopping, crawling, slithering, flitting, or flying in different areas. Today, I wanted to check out the far hay field. I'd found yellow rocket there last year and thought I'd better keep a close check on it. Dad would often send us into a field in the spring to pull out these bright yellow flowers sticking up over the clover. The plant is in the mustard family, a non-native, and will take over the entire area if left to multiply. Some people like looking at a sea of these flowers waving in the wind. I see Dad - sending me on seek-and-destroy missions.


Brent said...

Ugh - I remember those days in May and June when after milking, Dad would say to me with a little smile "I have a job for you this morning". I knew what he meant - pulling yellow rocket.

Jordan Journal said...

I'm with you! I was a member of the seek-and-distroy deployment yearly too. My dad always tried to turn the job into a compliment by saying God gave me long skinny legs for sneaking into the field and not disrupting the crop! Sadly it worked, now I would plow a path!