Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wild Turkey nest

Over the winter, Indy and I usually learn a new trick. It really is both of us learning. Me, figuring out how to train her and her figuring out what I want. It gives us something extra to do when we can't get in long walks. This year's trick was finding my cell phone. I'd put it down somewhere, distract her for a moment, and then ask her to find it. Took a couple tries before I realized that having her pick it up w/ her mouth and return it to me was a bad idea (saliva and electronics don't mix). So I taught her to sit as soon as she found it - just like the drug sniffing dogs in an airport. She likes getting the treat when she finds the phone - though occasionally, she gets frustrated and sits by the TV remote in hopes that I won't notice the difference.   Always important to be just a little bit smarter than the animal you are training. 


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Pets are funny sometimes.

Pete said...

I second the ha ha ha!! Can picture her sitting by the remote. Thanks for the chuckles! - Pete