A lady came in to the library w/ her two kids (son 10, girl 5?). She wanted to use the computer. Once on the computer she seemed oblivious to what the kids were doing. The little boy was well mannered but the little girl was a terror. She ran though the stacks screaming/singing (I couldn't tell which). She sat next to her mom and scribbled on a piece of paper. (When they left, I found she had scribbled also on the desk - her mother didn't stop her, clean it up, nor tell me.) The little girl then went out the library door to the street. I yelled and the mom sent her son to retrieve the girl. I ran after him and we caught her before she reached an intersection. She picked up a stone and ran back inside to show it to her mom. She then proceeded to take the stone and start beating on a table. I stopped her immediately and she ran into the children's section, grabbed a small stuffed toy, and started crying. Her mom, finally ready to go home, waved the stuffed toy over her head and said they would bring it back tomorrow and was out the door. Well, the lady is also a library volunteer and there are a lot of stuffed toys siting around. I let her go. Guess I don't have the backbone to make a good stern librarian nor the fortitude to be a mom.
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