The state has new election laws. I had one military absentee ballot that wasn't returned by election day. I have to wait until the Friday after the election in case the ballot is returned. As long as the envelope shows it was mailed by election day (in the case where I can't make out the date on the post office stamp, I assume it is election day) it can be counted. However, I can't just open up the envelope and let the county clerk know the results. I had to post notices around town that there would be a meeting at the town hall on Friday at 5 pm. (Notices have to be posted at least 24 hours in advance of a meeting. ) I picked up blank election paperwork from the county clerk's office. Tonight at 5, I met w/ the election workers from the last election at the town hall and announced that the absentee ballot hadn't come in. I filled out the paperwork stating there were no changes in the election count, had the election workers sign it, and that was the end of the meeting. On Monday I go over to the county clerks office to give her the paperwork and I'll make out checks for the election workers who met w/ me today. As if this wasn't convoluted enough for a ballot that wasn't sent back to me, think about the consequences if the ballot had been returned. We would have opened the envelope and counted the results. All of us would have known exactly how that person voted. I would then report to the county clerk's office and they would know exactly how that person voted. I complained about this in an e-mail off to the Government election Accountability Board tonight. I'm a little worried though ... if they take my concerns seriously and try to fix the process ... just how much worse will they make it?
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