The day started out w/ a cow stepping on my foot. Wellies are great since they are rubber and the cow's foot kind of slipped off. Wellies aren't so great because they have no structure to protect your foot. Got home, showered, and checked in at the town hall. Primary election today. I voted and checked that everything was under control. Yep. I went into town to mail some letters for the township. Then went to the new barber shop in town to get my hair back to one color and a cut. The beautician asked if I wanted my eyebrows "done". Wasn't positive what that meant but I said, "Sure." "Getting one's eyebrow's done" means waxing. Wonderfully painful. I stopped in at the library - nope - the volunteer schedule for the month still wasn't done. I talked w/ the librarian and she asked if I would come in for Wednesday night. Means I'll miss a pizza supper w/ the milking crew but someone has to be on duty if the library is going to be open. Back home, Indy and I took a walk in light rain. Change of clothes and back to the town hall to fill out paperwork and count ballots. Now that I'm back home and sitting down ... you know ... my foot hurts.
Yummmmmm! I love asparagus!
Is that one of Grandma Pearl's uber-strong tasting asparagus that grew in the ditch in abundance?
I call getting my eyebrows done - voluntary torture. But I still do it every few weeks.
When I had my hair cut last time she clipped my eyebrows (on purpose). For some reason they have turned unruly.
I wonder if the aspargus roots Grandma Mayer gave me ever grew in Shoreview? I think we moved after the 2nd year it was planted.
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