A busy day at the library. A man came in and wanted to use the computer. However, he was having a problem accessing something so I suggested he go to another machine and I just rebooted the one he was on. He said he wasn't used to PC's - he had a Mac. He then started to explain the history of computer operating systems to me. He obviously was enjoying himself. Why stop him by saying that I had worked with computer systems for thirty years. Later, a lady couldn't figure out how to print. I showed her how and she finished up just before closing. However, when she looked at what she had printed, it wasn't what she wanted. She asked if she could get back on and I said she still had five minutes, so she quickly started working. I didn't say anything as closing time came and went. So what if I closed a little later than planned. I figure a good librarian should know when to be quiet too.
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