Got a call from a lady who said her father wanted an absentee ballot. Usually I get these requests from the person themselves but I know her father has had some health issues. I asked if it would be alright if I delivered the ballot to him at his house. She said that would be wonderful. I called her father and started my usual intro, "This is Susan Mayer, I'm the clerk for the township." The man cut in, "I've got my own problems." and hung up on me. Figured he probably hadn't heard me so I called back and got immediately to the point, "I've got an absentee ballot for you. May I bring it over." "Sure," he said, "That would be fine." I had filled out all of the paperwork - the absentee request, the envelope to return the ballot to me - so all he would have to do is sign his name. He signed the absentee request, looked over the ballot, and said he would vote later and send it back to me. I set the envelope and ballot on a nearby table and left. Got out on the road, pulled over, and called his daughter back. "The ballot is on the table. Would you see that after he votes, the envelope gets mailed to me?" She laughed and said she would. I'm guessing that I might have broken some of the new election laws - filling out the paperwork, hand delivering to a voter's home, followup w/ the daughter afterward. However if the intent of the law is that a person who wants to vote can ... then I'm OK.
1 comment:
Above and beyond. You should have been in the military. We would not be having the problems that we are now! Thanks for being such a great American! (I mean that seriously!)
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