Volunteering at the library tonight when two cute kids came in. They were brother and sister and I would guess 9 and 8 for ages. First they wanted books on how to build robots - Star Wars robots, then books on Mexico, then on dolphins, Thomas Jefferson, Edison, and the Scouts (boys & girls). I showed them how to search on the computer for the books they were interested in. They said they couldn't check any books out because they owed "a gazillion dollars in fines." We got on the computer and checked their names. While they didn't owe quite that much, it was enough to prevent them for taking any books home. They read for a short while and then picked up a jigsaw puzzle and started putting it together. I gave them until 7:00 pm and then said it was time to go home. The boy looked up from their puzzle. "Don't you have to stay open until your last customer leaves?" I explained that libraries don't work that way. They dutifully put the puzzle away, donned coats, and waved goodbye saying they would be back tomorrow. Almost wished I would be.
1 comment:
I have been told that the hill side in Plum City used to be covered with Plum trees. Wish I could have seen them when I lived there. They were gone by that time. Have to settle for orange blossoms now. There are a few still on my tree as well as mini green oranges. JVM
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