Tuesday, April 24, 2012

White and Yellow Trout Lilies

Out into the woods again today for the walk. I tend to go there often this time of year as I look for spring ephemerals. My grandmother had pointed out yellow trout lily flowers to me when I was a kid. She called them "deer tongue" because of their mottled leaves. Usually I can find one or two blooming in the spring but today I found over twenty and they were growing in areas I hadn't seen them before.

Then I found a white one. That was a surprise. Once home, I got on-line and found that white trout lily are very common in some states. However, the site's map, showing where these flowers grow, had my area left blank. I sent an e-mail to the site web-master, attached a picture, and told him he can color in my county. Every year --- just when I think I've seen everything that lives in my backyard --- I find something new!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics! Carolyn