Thursday, March 15, 2012

They're back

Eric and Carol just got back from a business conference. As part of the conference Eric was to stand on the podium w/ the state governor while he announced a bill that was designed to help the diary industry. Since the governor is facing a recall election, we warned Eric to just not stand right behind the governor and a possible line of fire. Eric came back today to the farm w/ tales of his experience. Eric was told by his organization's staff that he had to leave the governor's side after fifty minutes in order to make it to a meeting where he was introducing the speaker. The governor's staff however said that NOBODY walked off the podium while the governor was speaking. It all worked out but Eric did say he was surprised at how long everyone could talk. (Politicians talking on and on? Duh!)


Brent said...

good to see the bluebirds are back. Is this early or about the same as past years?

Anonymous said...

I keep looking for bluebirds at my house but have never seen any. Carolyn