Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lightening Storm

It was midnight on the Ides of March (well almost). I saw flashes outside and went to check what was going on. The stars were shining all around except for a big black area in the sky in front of me - that suddenly lit up w/ lightening. A great opportunity. I got the camera out on it's tripod and clicked the shutter open. Took shot after shot as I listened to coyotes yip, a weird bird call, something moving through the dry grass just beyond the deck, and a wolf howl (?). Got some good pics while being frightened out of my wits. Great fun!
(Click on picture to blow it up.)


Kathy said...

Fabulous picture! Wow!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful color! JVM

Shelby said...

Very cool picture!

Anonymous said...

Ever thought of sending this picture to an Art website or National Geographic or even the Weather Channel?
This is a great and rare shot!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pic! Carolyn

Jordan Journal said...

I'm going to share this with my friend who is the local TV weather guy. He loves pictures like this, as do I!! Was this the real color out there? Thanks for sharing.