Saturday, March 17, 2012

An Island of Green

A presentation of software for town clerks today. Eight of the people there were already using the software. The software purported that it would automatically fill out 941's, W2's, 1099's plus much much more. (I was sold when they said it would do the dreaded CT form.) However, each of the clerks already using the software asked questions about how to fix things that didn't work exactly right. The presenter replied either (1) the clerk was doing it wrong or (2) wait until the next update. I finally left after three hours just because I couldn't handle anymore - too much like my old job. When I got home, I grabbed Indy and we walked through the fields to clear my mind. Think I'll wait on purchasing until everything is fixed in "the next release."


Anonymous said...

Great picture! Kind of shaped liked Ireland, too. We haven't seen much of that white stuff here.


Anonymous said...

Took me a minute to realize this wasn't an aerial shot. Ha!