Saturday, February 25, 2012

Raccoon Tracks

Rick Santorum claimed during a recent interview that 5% of all deaths in the Netherlands are from involuntary euthanasia and older citizens don't go to Dutch hospitals for fear of being killed. I searched the Internet but couldn't find anyone who agreed w/ those stats.  Mr. Santorum's own campaign hasn't answered requests for where he got that information. Some people think no matter how fact-free and surreal a statement is, if you say it often enough and loud enough, others will believe it. So thank you Mr. Santorum for trying to show America that the real threat to our values are those tulip snorting, windmill tilting, dam plugging Dutch.


Mike said...

Sorry Susan. When I told Rick that I did not think he would take me seriously. When my father talked of his Dutch brother-in-law he always left out the word "plugging".

SRM said...

I should have known it was you, Mike. You can't be telling stuff like that to politicians ... they aren't that intelligent.

Rachel said...

And just last night, I read that Rick Steves describes the Dutch as "the world's most handsome people-tall, healthy,and with good posture...with an unsnooty blue-jeans attitude". Obviously he forgot tulip-snorting. If only that was all the Dutch were known for snorting... I personally am looking forward to finding out how much tulip-snorting can be done at my new home.