Friday, February 24, 2012


Got a call from someone incensed about their property taxes.  He yelled at me for a moment and then apologized explaining he had just paid his tax in protest.  He said his property was zoned residential but he raised beef cattle so it should be agricultural. I suggested talking to the County Zoning office. Not an option, the caller replied, he had a "bad history" w/ the zoning administrator. He also didn't want to talk to the assessor claiming if he didn't see the cows on this property why should the caller point them out. I then suggested he could go before the township Board of Review at the end of May but it would be prudent if, prior to that, he could document that he had tried talking to Zoning and our assessor. He said he would do that and could I give him a call before the meeting. Yes, I assured him, I would call him in time to do the paperwork for the meeting. Now ... Where to put this post-it w/ the caller's name and phone number that I will find it in three months?


Rachel said...

Property taxes in your area are interesting. Travis Ewer from Ladysmith is very pro-Gov Walker because his property taxes decreased 12% in Dec. 2011. Since my taxes in Madison went up slightly, I think the decrease Travis experienced has less to do with the governor and more to do with local elected officials or the property values in Ladysmith dropped tremendously. 12% is huge!

Anonymous said...

About that post-it. Do you have that feature on your computer? I put my post-its on my desktop on the computer. Can't really lose it that way. BTW, our property taxes were up slightly and we're in Rusk County. What does that say about Walker?