Thursday, February 23, 2012


It's one of those "feast" times for me. All of the audio-books on my request list at the library seem to be coming in at the same time. I have three books currently and just got a notice from the library that there are two more waiting for me there. Books can be checked out for only two weeks but even this many books I could handle - if they were average sized. However, the current book I'm reading has 13 CDs which is about 14 hours of listening. So, I've given up my winter's nap in the afternoon to listen to an hour's worth of books. I sit in my favorite stuffed chair, Indy curls up on the floor within arms reach, Ori finds a place on my lap and we settle back to hear a couple of chapters. A sweet domestic scene as we all listen to murder and mayhem (my favorite genre).

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