Friday, February 10, 2012

Maggie (Boxer)

A pretty good day. Sure the temp when I walked into work this morning was the highest of the day. Forecast is for it to be below zero tonight. Sure the wind screamed from the north so Indy and I had a briefer than normal walk today. Yes, I've got a lot of work to do around the house this weekend. However, I got a thank you card from a co-worker stating I was "a joy to work with".  I got in a long winters nap after doing some errands this afternoon. I have someone else who will display their collection at the library. I shut off the north east and north west portions of the house, started a fire, and had a hot bath. Now, I'm in a very mellow mood and watching old Perry Mason shows. Just what else would one want from a day?
A picture from Pete Valesano.

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