Monday, February 13, 2012

Maddy (Chocolate Lab)

I'm not sure I get it. We have four people milking on Mondays now - Jordan, Mike, the herdsman, and me. Yet I often found myself alone while I was milking. The guys all found other things to be doing. Now it could be that I don't know how to do any of the other jobs (Maybe the dairy owners planned it that way so someone would stick around to actually get the milking done?) Maybe I need to use more deodorant (In a cow barn, I doubt that's a big issue.) Maybe the guys are just overwhelmed w/ my efficiency on the job. (Yeah - think I'll go w/ that one.)
A picture by Paul Domsten.


Brent said...

Maybe you are telling too many stories about the trojan horse and stuff as you milk and they find other things to do.

Rachel said...

Is Maddy Paul & Gillie's lab (RIP)?