Sunday, February 12, 2012

February Library Display

This month's display in the library case is rocks. You might be a rock hound if: - You see a sign "Falling Rock" and you pull over to wait. - You care more about what happened to the diamond in the movie Titanic than the people. - You put amethyst in your fish tank. - Your family puts candles on a slab of shale for your birthday rather than on a cake. - You can pronounce "molybdenite". - You named your kids Rocky, Jewel, and Beryl. - Your kids bring in a "pretty stone" they found and you contrive to steal it. - You associate the word "hard" with values on the Mohs scale. - You associate the word "cleavage" w/ rocks. - You associate the word "saw" w/ diamond instead of wood. - There is a rock pile outside of your house. - You think of a road cut as a tourist attraction. - You own more pieces of quartz than underwear. - You think "pet rocks" is a neat idea.


Anonymous said...

Took the test. I don't think I'm a 'rock hound'.
Thanks, tho'

Anonymous said...

explains when it's said someone is "stoned".


Pete said...

Didn't pass all the questions, but think I'm there anyway: rocks displayed on bookshelf rather than books, several wooden crates of rocks in basement from backpacking trips with Phil, rocks on fireplace hearth, bags of rocks & fossils in cabinet, etc.