Friday, February 17, 2012

Candy (German Shepard mix)

Cows enjoy being milked. However, just because we are ready to milk them doesn't mean they are in the mood to be milked. I was prepping a fidgety cow this morning. She suddenly and swiftly brought her leg back which hit my hand which had the dip cup in it which then sprayed green liquid all over my face. A paper towel got most of it off but Lisa, who was milking w/ me, said I now had quite a bit of green hair. There are no mirrors at the dairy - not much I could do about it. At the end of milking, Lisa said she would finish rinsing down the parlor and suggested I might want to get the green out of my hair before it stained permanently. I laughed, "A streak of color is considered avant-garde." She smiled indulgently but I could tell she thought people were less apt to say "My, how chic!" and more "What happened to you?!"
Picture of my brother Russell from 1963.


Anonymous said...

Great picture of Russ. Candy doesn't seem to mind having a passenger!


Rachel said...

Something about the farm seems to have made for dogs with a lot of patience.