Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pebbles and puppies (Beagle)

Town's Association meeting tonight.  The county clerk was discussing the new election laws so I made it a point to attend even though it would go past my bedtime.  The state now requires photo ID and a person's signature to vote.  The whole state has been redistricted (my township has only 400 voters but was split into two wards) and you can no longer vote absentee more than two weeks before an election and not after the Friday before the election.  The cause for all of these changes?  The state had two cases of a person voting fraudulently.  Some people would think it's not a big deal requiring these changes but these laws will be the cause of some people not casting a ballot (not to mention the extra cost to the township).  The state legislature is still changing some of these election laws for this year so I pray that they won't decide that township election officials frisk voters for weapons or do a breathalyzer test to see if they are inebriated!
A picture from Pete Velasano.

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