Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hester (Shih Tzu / Bichon)

During winter in the Northern Hemisphere, you can see the constellation Orion.  It's one of the easier to find because it has three stars which form a slightly upward line - Mintaka, Alnilam, and Alnitak.  However, they've been known by many names.  Native Australians knew these stars as "The Young Men" dancing w/ the Pleiades.  Greenlander's called them "The Seal-hunters."  Hindu's said they were "The 3-jointed Arrow".  The Chinese knew them as "The Weighing-beam" since they were tilted.  In the 1800's they received a new title of "Napoleon" but the English retaliated by calling them "Nelson" (neither name stuck).  Sometimes they are "The Belt", "The Girdle", or "The String of Pearls".  Look up on the next clear night and see if you can find them. 
A picture from my friend, Kathy Novey.

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