Sunday, December 04, 2011

Stuff-from-the-woods gift wrapping

On Friday, after work, I picked up my friend Nancy and we drove to the Big City for a weekend w/ friends. We exchange Christmas gifts each year so I brought mine complete w/ "stuff" I had found out in the woods. Saturday, we rode the train downtown, went through the Macy's Christmas display, and checked out a few shops before eating at a very nice restaurant and coming home. It was snowing by the time we were back at my friend's place. Would have been a perfect weekend except Kris got violently ill from something she ate at the restaurant. Am guessing her entree - the Seafood Kettle - was the culprit.


Brent said...

Like the wrapping. Glad to hear that you are back. Did you get much snow where you are?

Anonymous said...

Love the gift wrapping!