Sunday, December 04, 2011

Trojan War box (2)

When she took the top of the box off, there was an envelope w/ a poem I had written about how the Trojan War started w/ a golden apple.  Three goddesses had claimed it and it was left up to Paris - a prince of Troy - to decide.  Aphrodite had promised Paris that Helen, the most loveliest of mortals would be his wife.  He awarded the prize to her.  The poem ended w/ the hint that there was more to the story if she could find it.  Nancy figured out that the top of the box held a secret compartment.  There was more of the poem there talking about how Paris stole Helen away from her husband and the Greeks attacked Troy to get her back.  The end of the poem said there was more yet for the box to tell. She found the last hidden compartment in the bottom of the box and another poem. It told about how the Greeks tricked the Trojans w/ a wooden horse w/ a secret compartment where warriors hid. Loved this topic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a clever and thoughtful gift!
Good job, Brent!
