Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Grapevines and the Belt of Venus

Got a call from someone in the township that the website was down.  I checked it immediately and the town website was available but the links to the minutes didn't work.  The minutes are hosted on the county's website and, sure enough, the county had revamped their entire site.  I was livid.  Suddenly I was on automatic, just like the old Honeywell days, on the phone yelling at the county webmaster.  (They had contracted the website out.)  I stayed in cruise mode until I was fairly certain that it won't happen again.  Guess yelling at contractors must be like riding a bike - you never really forget how to do it.   


Anonymous said...

Sic 'em, Susan! Sic 'em.


Anonymous said...

Just when we think the A type personality of the old work days is gone it pops up now and then doesn't it. Sheila usually reminds me that I am not at work any more.
