Thursday, November 10, 2011

On the path

Annual Budget meeting followed by the monthly town board meeting tonight.  The chairman figured we were about $160,000 short for next year.  Since the biggest ticket items are road maintenance, the board looked at each of the road projects planned for next year and lopped off the top 3 to get us within budget.  Then on to the monthly meeting.  They approved a new laptop for the treasurer.  She'll want to have it all ready by the time property tax season starts.  They decided to use different building inspectors so I need to inform everyone of the changeover.  Nothing has happened with the building we asked the county health department to condemn but the health department did condemn another building in the township so they must be around somewhere.  The board also approved the sale of the town's old gravel pit.  Quite a productive evening.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

If only all governments could run so efficiently...