Monday, November 14, 2011


Lots of cars in the parking area at the dairy.  First was the owner's red truck.  On Monday's they are there to help Mike and I start milking the hospital group.  Next were my silver Forester and Mike's red truck (red trucks are a fav in this area).  Then the herdsman's blue car.  On Monday's he gets to sleep in and arrives around 7:00 am.  Next was a black sports car - the expert who had driven 60 miles to resolve issues w/ the new computer system.  Then a large white panel truck - Anderson Dairy Products - they were there to replace milker inflations.  Another car beyond that belonged to the company which monthly checks on how the cows are doing on their feed mixture and suggest adjustments.  Finally, just as I was leaving, the milk truck arrived and backed up to the bulk tank to pick up the raw milk and take it into the processing plant.  What's that saying?  "It takes a village...."

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