Friday, September 16, 2011

Wild Apple trees

First frost was Wednesday night followed by another below freezing night on Thursday.  Felt pretty cold even though it wasn't a "killing frost." I  shut all of the shades overnight and opened the east facing ones before I left for work so I would get a passive solar heating temp bump when the sun rose.  A favorite game in this neck of the woods is "How long can I go before I turn on the heat."  The rules of the game allow you to turn on the heat ahead of time for no more than one day "just to make sure the heating system is working."  Think I'll do my "test" tonight.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Wednesday PM we were picking what would be the last of the basil, hot peppers, and cherry tomatoes at the farm because of the frost. The next day while getting onions ready to cure we were discussing how lucky we were it wasn't a killing frost. The raspberries were fine so I picked a bunch for a pie.