Sunday, September 25, 2011

Nancy and Don

Went to the ski hill w/ friends Don and Nancy.  After we came down, Don left on his errands and Nancy and I went shopping.  We had two stores to check out.  The first one was 30 miles away but it was our fav.  We walked in and were immediately greeted by a woman informing us there was a sale on jewelry that day.  She glommed onto Nancy and started dressing her in necklaces and scarf rings.  Nancy's manners are too refined to just blow her off so she endured the lady's sales pitch.  I have no manners and walked off.  Funny but I no longer had any desire to shop there.  When Nancy was able to make an escape, we looked around a bit but soon left.  Driving to the other store we compared notes and realized we were both put off shopping by the aggressiveness of that salesperson.  Bad for that store but good for the next place we went.  We laughed and joked w/ the sales people there and by the time we left, Nancy and I had both "stimulated the economy" by quite a bit.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Aww - nice picture. Looked like a fun time.