Monday, September 05, 2011

Wild Bergamot

Cows don't do holidays so Lisa (the intern) and I were milking this morning.  I asked what her plans were for the day and she would have a picnic lunch w/ her family and then she had the option of two places to go tonight - to her fiance's or her grandparent's.  I thought a moment and suggested she should go to her grandparent's.  "Why?" she asked.  "Cause they are old." was my reply.  She giggled, "But they are your age!"  With a start, I realized she was right.  Put me in a bit of a blue funk.  So I did what every woman does when they are going through a difficult time, I called my sister.  I poured out what had occurred this morning.  She just laughed at me.  Sometimes I think that's all we need to put life in perspective - someone to laugh at us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are some young grandparents!