Friday, September 02, 2011

Braken fern in fall

"I'm going into town to steal some stuff," I announced to Brent, "Want to come with?"  Brent raised an eyebrow but got in the car.  First we stopped at Wal-Mart since Brent needed to get something for one of his projects.  "Did you want to steal anything here?" he asked.  "Nothing here.  I'll just sit in the car and listen to my book." I replied.  When he returned we went to Gaddy's Fireworks & Gun shop.  Walked in and asked the proprietor if I could take some of the horse chestnut conkers hanging on the tree outside the door.  He was OK w/ that.  (Guess it's not exactly stealing if you ask permission.)  Then it was off to an old mine site near town.  I knew the Big Bluestem would be full of seeds by now.  We walked the trails brushing the heads of the plants and collecting the seeds in an envelope.  Will see if I can get some of this native grass to grow in my back yard.   I've been collecting all sorts of seeds this last week.  Fall hasn't officially begun yet.  The plants must be just getting a head start on it.

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