Thursday, August 11, 2011


Things kinda got away from me today and I realized I wasn't going to have time to fix supper, get gas, and make it to the monthly town board meeting on time.  Decided to go downtown, order a pizza to go, fill up the car, pick up the pizza, go to the town hall a little early and have a couple of bites before the board showed up.  All went like clockwork until I pulled into the town hall parking lot.  I was early and yet there were lots of  people milling around.  Forget eating some pizza.  I opened up the town hall and started adding more chairs for the spectators.  Had over 30 people attend.   The board talked w/ the two ski hill owners and w/ two people who were vying for the town road plowing and grading contract.  Everyone else in attendance stayed silent so I don't know why any of them had decided to attend tonight's meeting.  I suspect it was moral support for the ski hill.  Can't believe that many people were suddenly interested in just seeing their town board in action.

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