Friday, August 12, 2011

Birthing a hay bale

Up at 3:30 am and off to work.  Lisa, the intern, kept yawning.  The county fair just started and her family has cows to show.  She had spent the night before at the fair w/ their cows.  She asked if I'd mind if she left before the end of milking.  Fair judging began at 9 and she wanted to be there.    So work went a little longer than I anticipated.  Got home, took a shower, ate some left-over pizza, and Indy and I hit the swamps.  The forecast was for thunderstorms and I wanted to get our walk in before they came.   Two hours later we returned home.  I was drenched in sweat.  Took another shower and then bopped down to do library duty until it closed.  Picked up some groceries for supper but by the time I got home, I was too beat to fix anything.  I sat down in a stuffed chair.  Ori curled up in my lap and that's the last I remember.  Always easier to fall asleep when you are exhausted.

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