Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blue Vervain

Indy didn't seem to miss me while I was in the Big City.  Brent complained that she slept w/ him the first night - jumping up on the covers, loudly playing w/ a toy for awhile, licking herself for 20 minutes, turning around 3 times before curling up to sleep.  However, Brent said Orion avoided him while I was gone. So which animal is more loyal? Sure a dog will follow you, do tricks, and even save your life but it is in their breeding to be dependent on people.  Cats, on the other hand, are independent creatures that choose to be your friend.  Comes down to that age-old question of predestination vs. free will.  (Hope John Calvin and Jacobus Arminius don't mind their theologies being compared to family pets!)

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