Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rosy Fingered Dawn

Kathy, Kris, and I were waiting at the gate when the State Fair opened at 6 am on Monday morning.  First we went to the DNR grounds to watch the fish and ducks in the outside ponds.  Then found our favorite diner and had breakfast.  Off to see the sheep, pigs, and cows before settling down in the arena to watch stock dog trials.  Each dog had to herd 3 sheep through a maze of obstacles ending in a small corral.  What a hoot!  One poor dog's sheep found an unguarded opening 2 feet up in the arena's sides and all of them escaped into the concession area.  The dog would have followed if not recalled by it's owner.  Then we were off again.  Watched the daily parade, perused the Horticulture, Creative Arts, Education, and Fine Arts buildings.  Stopped to see Aussie's go through obedience training at the Pet Center.  It was getting later in the day by now so we took the Sky Way ride to save on some walking.  Made sure we ate deep fried stuff that wasn't good for us and wrote in "Obama" on the Republican Party's straw poll.  To be fair (so to speak) we then found the Democrat's tent and bothered them for awhile too.  Sang along w/ an outside karaoke group and bought things labeled as "Special Deals only at the Fair".  The fair is open 17 hours each day but we left after a little over 14 hours - must be getting old.

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