Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sunrise on a muggy morning

Hottest day yet this summer.  I had errands to do this afternoon and even though the car has air-conditioning I opted instead to roll down the windows.  I wondered why I did that.  Was it to feel the wind in my hair?  My hair is short but I do like a "windblown" look.  Was it to be able to smell the scents of the countryside.  Fortunately, we've had lots of rain so the vegetation and crops are lush and green.  Maybe, I like dangling my arm out of the car.  I do have a real farmer's tan.  Personally, I think every so often I just like to feel the heat.  It will be a good memory for some of those frigid days to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it has to do with your last name. Your big brother like to do that too.I could not resist objecting on our way to church Sun mornings. I gritted my teeth on the way home. One summer he was making trips to Little Rock (130 miles) and insisted on the windows open. Poor fellows who had to go with him. PTL it wasn't me! JVM