Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Have been reading a book on how dog's think.  It's not a how-to-train manual but a scientific discussion on what makes dogs tick.  I know that the author has degrees in psychology and spent lots of time studying dogs.  However, some of his assertions just don't seem to fit my experiences w/ Indy.  He says there is no hierarchy in a dog's mind.  Indy seems to accept my authority in multiple situations so I don't believe she thinks we are on equal terms.  The author also says dogs don't feel the complex emotion of guilt.  There he's probably correct. We tend to anthropomorphize dog's expressions and what might look to us as regret is probably just the dog reacting to our own body language.   Overall, the book is an interesting read - but as w/ any non-fiction book - you need to read critically.

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