Wednesday, July 13, 2011


After work I had a message on my phone.  Would I fill in at the library tonight from 5 - 7?  I thought about the rest of my day.  Had another therapy session for my hip. Wanted to stop by and see Aunt June while I was in town.  Donna had asked if I could take their dogs on a walk when I took Indy out.   I still have paperwork for tomorrow's monthly town board meeting and I haven't cleaned my house since last weekend.    So, I called up the volunteer coordinator and told her that of course I would fill in tonight.  I probably would have just wasted those two hours anyway catching up on some glorious sleep. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was this hazelnut in your woods/field? Is it the same that makes a great tasting coffee?

I've never seen a hazelnut tree, that I know of, nor did I know where they grow.

Don't worry about the cleaning. It will stay there till you get to it. Volunteering at the library was probably much more fun. JVM