Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Leconte's Haploa Moth

Went to the County Zoning Commission hearing on the proposed salvage yard in my township.  I'm not a big fan of salvage yards though I understand their purpose and, hey, they recycle.  However, just in case the county panel had any questions on how the township felt about it, I wanted to be there to answer questions.  Fortunately, I knew that you just walk in and take a seat even though the commission is in session.  At 3 pm sharp, they stopped their agenda to discuss the salvage yard.  I'd already sent notice to the zoning administrator of the town board's approval.  The panel had some basic questions that they talked to the property owner about.   Then they  himmed and hawwed about going out to see the site.  When they saw that the town board had checked out the location and that there were neighbors at this meeting that had no objection, they all agreed a visit wasn't necessary.  The land owner got his approval.  Of course, he's just at the beginning of the many OK's he still has to obtain.

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