Sunday, July 17, 2011

Doing a crossword puzzle

A hot hot day.   Connie had a reunion picnic, Brent picked raspberries, and I just did some work around the house.  The heat sapped our energy.  After supper we all worked on a crossword.  Then played Quiddler.  You never realize how tired you are until you try to wrap your mind around a game.  I put down the word "Quoth."  Brent looked at it a bit weirdly.  Connie said, "Like in 'Quoth the Robin Nevermore'".  We laughed and laughed and decided that Poe's poem wouldn't have been quite as popular if he had substituted a Robin for the Raven.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, Connie doesn't look like your 'much older' sister in this picture. Ahem.