Monday, July 18, 2011

Tree Swallow Independence Day

Tree Swallows are very territorial.   I often get dive-bombed when I check the nests.  So when I saw all of these tree swallows perched on top of one of the houses, I knew the only reason the resident pair of tree swallows would allow all of these birds in their locale was because they are their hatchlings on their maiden voyage from the nest.   Growing from egg to flying bird took less than 7 weeks.   There are a lot of things I wish were as quick.  High on my list would be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 2) coming to my local theater, my hip healing, and the Republicans picking a 2012 presidential candidate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael and I saw the last Harry Potter Part II movie last Sunday. Definitely worth going to see!