Sunday, June 26, 2011

White-tailed Buck in velvet

Not for the first time, Brent commented that I use too many big words in my blog entries.  I don't know if that's true, I know the definitions of all the words I use.  Sometimes, though, I can't get the spelling close enough for the spell-checker to figure it out.  Then I go to an on-line dictionary and play around w/ spellings or use the thesaurus.  While I was on   I saw they have a quiz called "How strong is your vocabulary."  Great, I thought, a good test to see if I just know a couple of "big" words or if I know a lot of words.  I took eight of their quizzes.  I did quite well: better than the overall average score and better than the average for my age group.  I noticed that Brent's age group averages lower scores than my age group.  Maybe that explains why he thinks I use big words - he's too young.


Jordan Journal said...

Love the sweet but direct "brother slam". That is exactly how I feel about my 3 brothers. Keep the big words coming, I tune in to hear from a smart, witty and now, sassy, lady; keep it up!

Anonymous said...

That's how one lady thought I got the job as a ticket agent with Northwest Airlines back in 1994.

Her quote, "I could never apply with them and do that. You'll do good cuz you know all them big words."

Hmm. Perhaps it worked. I had a 14 year career with them. LOL ;-)

Anonymous said...

Love your vocabulary! I get the same reaction sometimes. I used to think it was the Wisconsin educational system. Now I think it was the scrabble games with Mom. It took enormous effort to beat her!
