Saturday, June 25, 2011


My brother, Brent, was bemoaning the fact that his memory is failing.  "I put a jar of mayo back in the cupboard instead of the fridge." he told me when he arrived last night.  Poor boy.  This morning, we drove into town for breakfast and I saw that the library wasn't open.  "Guess the volunteer for today didn't show up," I disdainfully remarked.  We ate, I got my mail and we drove to the grocery store to pick up supplies.  On the way home, I stopped at the post office to pick up my mail.  Got a déjà vu feeling and realized I'd done that earlier.  Brent didn't say anything as I started up the car again.  Drove past the library, saw it was open, so parked in the lot.  Suddenly realized that when I had first checked, it was still an hour before their opening time.  Brent realized it too.  To his credit, all he said was "Gee, I don't feel so bad now."


Anonymous said...

I was sure you were going to say that you realized that you were the volunteer. Guess you're not that far gone yet. Makes me feel better anyway.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing as Anita.
