Thursday, June 16, 2011


Remember when I hoped my peonies would be blooming by Memorial Day?  Well, that was wishful thinking. They did start blooming this week.  I plant another peony around the deck every year.  You can easily see the progression of years because the older ones are larger and bloom first.  Since there is so much wind here on the hill, I have half-rings that support them.  I just leave the rings in place and each year the peonies grow up into them.  I like this plant because it is so fool-proof.  I haven't lost a peony bush yet even though I'm in Zone 3.  They don't seem to be susceptible to disease, insects, rabbits, or deer.  I haven't yet needed to water them.  Plus, for all of my inattention, they reward me w/ large fragrant flowers.  How does Martha Stewart put it?  It's a good thing.


Anonymous said...

I think your name should have been PEARL II.
I have always like the peonies too.
Do you think they would survive in Florida? I have a place to plant them if they would grow. I need something that doesn't require care.

Anonymous said...

I love peonies! I have a couple of white ones and need to expand into the pinks and reds! Carolyn