Friday, June 03, 2011


I thought it was a great idea when Sarah Palin announced she was touring U.S. historic sites.  Her travels would probably receive a lot of media coverage and encourage others to take summer vacations exploring our country.  I was also certain that she would make some stupendous blunders so political pundits and late night talk show hosts would have a lot of new material.  I don't know yet if she has inspired more to travel America but she hasn't disappointed in saying stupid stuff.  It will be hard to top today's statement that Paul Revere's famous ride was to warn the British that the colonists were not going to give up their guns.  It has already inspired great one-liners: "Palin makes Bachmann look like Longfellow", "Palin's version wasn't exactly the official History Channel rendition...", "It's the media's fault for asking those 'gotcha' questions."  "Do we need more proof that Palin wasn't born in the U.S.?"  "Was that when Revere told the British that the Tea Party would resort to 2nd amendment remedies if the British tried to raise the debt limit and then demanded "let my people go" and led the Americans to the Promised Land?"

1 comment:

Brent said...

That's pretty good. Reminded me of the skits that they used to do on SNL when she was a running mate.