Friday, May 13, 2011

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

A troupe of dancers are in town and they came to visit the dairy today.  Not exactly sure who they are or why the dairy made their itinerary.  They were all girls aged from 10 to 16, I'd guess.  They had a chaperon and Carol, the dairy owner gave them the tour.  I only saw them when they visited the parlor while we were milking.  Carol explained what was going on, answered their questions, had them put their fingers in an inflation so they could feel the sucking motion, showed them how to use the post-dip, and made sure each girl patted a cow.  I don't see children often.  These were quite cute and well behaved - though they did seem to squeal a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your bird pictures. JVM