Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lady ferns

I remembered I was scheduled to work today at the library at 5:07 pm last night.  That's seven minutes after the library closed and I hadn't stopped to pick up the key.  I called the person who schedules volunteers and she was on her way out of town (thank goodness for cell phones).  She gave me the names of two of the library board members and suggested I call one of them.  Neither was in the phone book.  I called the two reps from our township who are assigned to the board but neither answered their phone.  Then I remembered that one of the library board members owned the antique store in town.  I didn't know his name and I didn't remember the name of the antique store but - hey - there is only one in town so I looked under "Antique Stores" in the phone book for one that was located in my town.  I called and the board member said he would be happy to meet me at the library this morning and open it up for me.   I may be forgetful but at least I'm resourceful.

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