Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Up at 3:30 am and got to work early.  Hoped to be able to take some pictures of the planet conjunction this morning but too many clouds.  After work, came home, showered, and my friend, Nancy picked me up at 11:30 for our annual trip to the Winter Nursery.  We drove through a thunderstorm.  That and being the middle of the week meant we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves.  Had a great time.  Nancy picks up bedding plants.  I look for hanging baskets.  Got a call asking if I could fill in at the library tonight.  Since we were about done w/ our shopping, I said sure.  Nancy got me home around 4:30 pm and I was at the library at 5:00.   Worked for 2 hours and now I'm home.  Indy is looking at me as if to ask if I'm going to stay put for awhile.  You bet - I'm hitting the hay.

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