Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wild Strawberries

I have one phone - my cell phone.  I don't get many calls.  When I do get calls, they seem to come at inopportune times.  I received only one call last weekend when I was in the big city - just as we were sitting down in a restaurant.  Today I received 3 calls - all while Indy and I were on our walk.  It isn't easy to remember what you've agreed to or what you need to look up when you are standing in the middle of muck, insects are bombarding you, and the dog is growling at something you can't see in the bushes.  I suppose I could get one of those phones that has access to the Internet, keeps my calendar, and would allow me to type notes to myself.  However, it would be less expensive to just turn the phone off when I can't easily take a call.  Sometimes the answer isn't more technology but less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope your strawberries have 100% more flavor tha the ones I bought last week.
Should be a law against them when they look so tasty and have no taste. JVM